Thank you!
From the bottom of our heart, thank you for booking with us. We’re honoured you chose us to craft your estate plan, and we can’t wait to work with you!
Check your inbox for an email answering some FAQs [can’t find anything in your inbox? Please check your junk folder…then rescue us outta there!].
We’ll be in touch shortly [inside our regular business hours] to confirm your booking and help with anything else you need.
Super keen to get started?
As part of getting ready for our heart-to-heart initial consult, we like to get to know you a bit better. The ‘All About You’ form gives us your background details so that once we’re in our consult we can get straight into the finer details [no printing required – just fill in and send back to us].
You can access the All About You for singles and All About You for couples. Don’t worry about downloading it now if you don’t want to – we’ll send you a copy when we confirm your booking.
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