Why do I need a Will?
Your Will is a formal legal document that sets out how you want to gift your property after you die, and nominates people you know + trust to certain power positions.
A Will follows legal rules and formalities, like the words used and how it is signed [if it doesn’t? Hello major + expensive problems post-death].
Top reasons you need a Will…
So your property goes where you want it to [No Will, no options]
If you die without a Will, then your estate is gifted under a one-size-fits-all formula called the Rules of Intestacy.
Yep, no matter the needs of your family or what assets you own, if you don’t have a Will your stuff gets divided under this one formula.
Care of your children [Protect their future]
If you’re a parent with a child under 18 years of age then this is the number 1 reason you need a Will. In your Will you can nominate guardians to care for + make decisions for your child if you die, AND put strategic planning in place to protect your child’s financial future.
[Psst, we also recommend you check out our freebies for parents of young children here!]
Succession planning for your business [Don’t let it go down the drain]
You’ve worked hard to get where you are today. You don’t want all that hard work to unravel because you haven’t put an adequate succession plan in place. Depending on your specific business needs, it can be most cost effective for us to collaborate with you, your business partners/s, accountant and/or financial planner on this aspect of your estate plan. This has everyone putting the right parts in place now to achieve the same goal, rather than trying to patch it together at the end and hoping for the best.
Reduce stress and pressure on your loved ones [Where there’s a Will there’s a way]
Let’s call it, dealing with the death of a loved one is emotionally crippling. No-one wants to add further stress by dealing with the estate in a restrictive framework and formula [ie. No Will, no options].
Estate planning to meet the needs of loved ones, like income flexibility and asset protection, can have a huge impact on the ongoing financial success and security of loved ones.
Your body and funeral/ceremony [Sombre farewell? Big party? Dealer’s choice]
You can choose to include your wishes for dealing with your body, such as burial, cremation, or donating your organs or body. You can also include any wishes for your funeral or other ceremony…or if you absolutely don’t want either of those! Dealer’s choice.
Charitable giving [You make a living by what you get, you make a life by what you give]
If there’s a charity or clause close to your heart you can include them in your Will.
You might also be interested in our blog “What happens if I die without a Will?“
Ready to get your estate plan sorted? Head to ‘request a booking‘ to get started now.
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