
Why do I need an Advance Health Directive?

An Advance Health Directive works hand-in-hand with your Enduring Power of Attorney.

An Advance Health Directive is used to record your decisions about what medical treatment you do and don’t want, for example whether you want intervention to keep you alive or what you do and don’t want should your condition be incurable or terminal.

If you lose the ability to make those decisions in the future (eg. due to accident, illness, injury, medication), then your decisions in your Advance Health Directive speak for you.

By putting an Advance Health Directive in place, you’re also relieving the burden and stress on loved ones having to make those decisions for you during an already difficult time. It means your loved ones aren’t having to make their “best guess” as to what your decision would have been if you could have made it for yourself.

An Advance Health Directive can also be used to inform your health professionals about your health conditions, and any spiritual or cultural beliefs that are important for your care and treatment.

Putting an Advance Health Directive in place now ensures that when the time comes, your health care providers know your wishes regarding your treatment and care.

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